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Trinity College

#Trinity College | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut is one of the most historic educational institutions in the state. Founded in 1823, it is the second-oldest college in Connecticut after Yale University. While Yale was founded by the Congregationalist Church, the dominant church in Connecticut, Trinity College was founded by Episcopalians (and was opposed strongly by figures from Yale).

The college was originally named Washington College and opened in 1824 with nine male students. In 1969 women were admitted for the first time. Since the civil rights movements of the 1960s, Trinity College has aimed to increase its numbers of black and minority students.

As a liberal arts college, Trinity students receive a broad education in a range of subjects and thinking skills. The college emphasises independent thinking above all else. Students are encouraged to take on challenging combinations, such as politics with a biology minor or engineering with an art minor. Almost 30 interdisciplinary minors are offered at Trinity, along with almost 40 majors.

Trinity College is one of the few liberal arts colleges to offer a major in engineering. It also has the first human rights programme of a liberal arts university, offering a series of lectures and films followed by an internship with a non-governmental organisation.

Students are also expected to take on for-credit experiential learning programmes such as research, internships, study abroad or community-based learning.

The college’s charter forbids Trinity to impose matters of faith on any students. Students of all faiths are welcome to participate in the services and spiritual events organised on campus.






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